TASSC – Presenting . to . TASSC
TASSC Friends and Partners Sharing Circle
The TASSC Presentation Request Form will assist TASSC in understanding your request and whether TASSC is an appropriate group to consult/connect with. The form will also assist you in understanding the key values and deliverables supported by TASSC.
TASSC is most interested in hearing from presenters under the following circumstances:
- When the presentation aligns and/or supports the mandate of TASSC.
- When the information provided/requested has a direct effect on the lives of Indigenous people.
- When the opportunity or initiative is of interest to TASSC’s diverse collective membership.
Please note if the opportunity or initiative you are wanting to present on connects to one of our member’s mandates specifically or you are unsure of relevancy to the entire group kindly contact us at info@ to discuss; and we would be happy to assist you in making contact with specific TASSC members.
If your initiative or opportunity is time sensitive please email info@
Please be advised that TASSC Friends and Partners Sharing Circle’s are happening virtually at this time and that the meetings typically occur the morning of the last Wednesday of each month from September to June – this information may be subject to change.
- TASSC Member’s reserve the right to send senior managers, Executive Directors and/or their staff designates.
- Each presenter must complete this request from
- Each presenter has 20-30 minutes to present their opportunity/initiative (these 20-30 minutes include Q and A)
- Each presenter must provide a one paragraph brief summary of how their project or initiative may impact or interest the broader collective of urban Indigenous-led service organizations
- Each presenter is encouraged to submit supplementary material and where possible use mixed media and or presentation formats such as PowerPoint to engage with their virtual audience
- Each presenter agrees to offer their contact information to the audience at the end of their presentation will collect and file all of the materials in advance and share out the links to all parties in advance of the TASSC Friends and Partners Sharing Circle - TASSC will schedule all presenters, manage logistics, tech and create an agenda for each session and will send this information to you one week or more in advance
- TASSC members commit to attending and or sending a representative from their agency to encourage participation, information sharing and networking
- TASSC requests that all presentation PowerPoint’s and/or other materials be sent one week in advance to info@
- TASSC reserves the right to share presentation material (for information only purposes) with TASSC member agencies and non-TASSC members who may participate from time to time.